Getting started with Kubernetesfor better reading experience (code formatting), read on the original blog link below (bottom part of this post).Jan 28, 2022Jan 28, 2022
Easy minimal Ubuntu VM on any OSfor better reading experience (code formatting), read on the original blog, link on bottom section of this post.Jan 21, 2022Jan 21, 2022
Huge List of Database Benchmark (2019)Today we will benchmark a single node version of distributed database (and some non-distributed database for comparison), the client all…Jan 5, 2022Jan 5, 2022
Cleanup git and docker Disk UsageSometimes our cloned repository became so freakin large, for example golang’s, currently mine consume about 1.1GB. We…Jan 5, 2022Jan 5, 2022
Golang Serialization Benchmark 2020 EditionThese benchmark results taken from electhomas’ repo, have a quite interesting result (new serialization formats). Let’s see how much…Jan 5, 2022Jan 5, 2022
GOPS: Trace your Golang service with easeGoPS is one alternative (also made by Google, other than pprof) to measure, trace or diagnose the performance and memory usage your…Jan 5, 2022Jan 5, 2022
Pyroscope: Continuous Tracing in Go, Python, or RubyRecently I stumbled upon slow library/function problem and don’t know chich part that causes it, and found out that there’s a easy way to…Jan 5, 2022Jan 5, 2022
Mock vs Fake and Classical TestingMotivation of this article is to promote less painful way of testing, structuring codes, and less broken test when changing…Jan 5, 2022Jan 5, 2022
Against Golang Interface{Method}-abuse/pollutionAs you already know, after doing a lot of maintenance work of other people’s code, I don’t like to follow blindly so called “best practice”…Jan 5, 2022Jan 5, 2022
Databases with Automatic Rebalance Benchmark (TIDB vs YugabyteDB vs CockroachDB)Automatic rebalance/repair/self-healing (we can remove or add new node, and it will distribute the data and rebalance itself, data are…Jan 5, 2022Jan 5, 2022
Kafka vs RedPanda Benchmark (also Tarantool and Clickhouse as queue)Using default settings from their docker-compose example, today we’re gonna benchmark one of popular MQ/PubSub software. I never used MQ…Jan 5, 2022Jan 5, 2022
Coolest PaaS/IaaS I’ve ever use: JelasticSo, I’m looking an simplest deployment strategy for my next side project, I don’t want to use Kubernetes since I’m all alone XD, learning…Jan 5, 2022Jan 5, 2022
Storage Service with CDNThere’s a lot of S3-like service, but some of them doesn’t have CDN-like feature, we have to manually cache them or use CDN manually. Today…Jan 5, 2022Jan 5, 2022
String Associative Array and CombSort Benchmark 2021 EditionLast year, we’ve done string associative benchmark and lesser string associative benchmark (measuring string concat operation and built-in…Jan 5, 2022Jan 5, 2022